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Annual Conference
(web)site.specific | Live on Zoom

10:00-11:10 - Two Lectures:
Gathering in the Museum: The Individual Body, the Collective Body and the Art Space by Ruth Direktor
Artist as Entrepreneur and Art as a Campaign - The effect of internet business models on the online performance by Dr. Lior Zalmanson
11:20-12:30 - Two Lectures:
Spontaneous art versus Sophisticated Art: Current Protest Movements through Rancière's Three Models by Rotem Tashach
Movement and its Discontents: The Performative Modernity of the Balfour Protests
by Dr. Hodel Ophir
12:30 - Break
12:50-14:30 - Lecture and Panel:
New Wave in Dance: Historical Consciousness by Iris Lana
Panel: Making space for Art - A talk with Three Leaders of New Platforms for Audiences and Artists: Orit Shaul, Asaf Hameìri, Arnon Ben Dror, moderated by Lior Avizoor

3rd Annual Conference poster
Ruti Direktor
Rotem Tashach
Lior Avizoor, Arnon Ben Dror, Asaf Hameiri, Orit Shaul
Iris Lana
Dr Lior Zalmanson
Dr. Hodel Ophir
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