Corpus: Research / 2018
PrimiTV dance
The first project of Corpus:Research is an attempt to re-examine the category of the primitive from a dance perspective. It will deal with the question of the primitive in dance and its relevance or irrelevance for understanding contemporary dance.
Dr. Rona Cohen
Tel Aviv University & Kibbutzim College
Dr. Hilda Wengrower
Academic College for Society and Arts
Rotem Elbaz
Bar Ilan University & Sapir Academic College
Roy Waks
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dr. Rona Cohen

Dr. Rona Cohen received her PhD in philosophy at 2014 from Tel-Aviv University. Her research interests and publications focus on the question of the body in continental philosophy, the philosophy of Jean-Luc Nancy, the relationship between embodiment and aesthetics in continental French philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis. Additionally Dr. Cohen has contributed to art catalogues and is currently co-translating (with Prof. Ruth Ronen) Jean-Luc Nancy's Corpus into Hebrew. She teaches at Tel-Aviv University and in Seminar Hakibutzim (School of Dance).
Photo: Selfie
Dr. Hilda Wengrower

Dr. Hilda Wengrower is a dance and movement therapist, a field she also is teaching and guiding. She established the Master program in the Univeristy of Barcelona, Spain. She published many articles and book chapters in many various languages on topics such as: immigration and therapy, art therapy in the education system, art based research and more. She is active in the Association for Art Therapy in Israel. She is the editor of the book review setion in the international journal Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. For her publications click here.
Rotem Elbaz

Rotem Elbaz is a PhD student at the Program for Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies at Bar Ilan University, and a lecturer at the Department of Cultural Studies, Creation and Production at Sapir Academic College. Her PhD research focuses on Nakedness at the Israeli Popular Culture and is supervised by Dr. Hizky Shoham. Her Master's thesis, under the supervision of Dr. Omri Herzog and Dr. Lyat Friedman, examines the Israeli body perception relates to a western ideal through the makeover TV show Trinny & Susannah at the UK Mission.
Roy Waks

Roy Waks is an M.A student in The Program of Cultural Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His current research, supervised by Dr. Gili Hammer and Dr. Dani Schrire, examines kinesthetics and embodiment of nationality in Zionism. Previously, Roy completed his undergraduate studies in Visual Communication at Shenkar College of Design. His final project, “Zionist Movement”, was a visual research examining the possibility of body language as a product of national ideology - the potential for ideology to systematically form and construct the movements of the human body.
Photo: Nitzan Peretz
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