Creatures of Dance
Contemporary Dance in Israel
Dr. Yael (yali) Nativ and Iris Lana
The field of contemporary dance in Israel is complex and unusual in scope, saturated with references to local cultural, social and political contexts and with deep affinities to the international dance arena. The podcast offers an informed and enjoyable discourse about dance in Israel for a wide audience, researchers and students.
We invite you to listen to Creatures of Dance, a podcast on contemporary dance in Israel with Yali Nativ and Iris Lana.
In editing:
"Connections and Living Bodies" - Dance in the aftermath of October 7th and the war
A series of ten episodes reflecting on thoughts and reactions in the dance community following the October 7th crisis and during the war. We sat with choreographers, artistic directors, and directors of dance institutions to talk about new artistic practices, the ways the community organizes itself inwardly and outwardly in the face of the international dance field, about new performative formats, the complex experience among Israeli dancers and choreographers who live in abroad, the role of the art of dance art in times of a tragedy and war, and the unique role of the moving body and its contribution to the community itself and the general public
All 10 episodes of this series were filmed and will be soon uploaded to our website with subtitles in English.
Israeliness and canon in Ohad Naharin's 'Kyr' (wall in Hebrew) (1990) , Batsheva Dance Company
53:06 minutes
Israeli identity and politics in Ohad Naharin’s '2019' (2019) Batsheva Dance Company
33:04 minutes
Gender play in the works of Yasmeen Godder, Anat Danieli & Omer Uziel, Merav Dagan and Roni Chadash
53:52 minutes
Masculinities in the works of Niv Sheinfeld & Oren Laor, Gilad Jerusalmy, Yossi Berg & Oded Graf; Roy Assaf and Adi Boutrous. Recorded: Winter 2021.
1:15:55 minutes
Ethnicity and Local Jewish Mizrahi Folklore in Israeli Contemporary Dance.
Recorded: Spring-Summer 2021.
1:20:47 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
with Dr. Idit Suslik
41:50 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
with Dr. Idit Suslik
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
with Dr. Erez Maayan Shalev
52:00 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
With Dr. Erez Maayan Shalev
53:17 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
With Dr. Lior Avizoor
39:10 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
with Dr. Lior Avizoor
42:50 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
With Dr. Avital Barak
45:21 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
With Dr. Avital Barak
58:00 minutes
From the series 'Movement Material - Conversations with choreographers’
With Yair Vardi
48:02 minutes
Live at Suzanne Dellal Centre
On Collaboration with Amos Hetz and Room Dances Festival (Recorded February 2024)
This podcast is part of the discursive platform of Tights: Dance & Thought.
The podcast was produced in collaboration with The Cultural Diplomacy Bureau at The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The production was supported by the Israeli Choreographers' Association and the Israeli Ministry of Culture and Sports.
This podcast is available on: Apple, Spotify, Deezer, Google, Link Tree
© all rights reserved Yali Nativ & Iris Lana
The podcast Creatures of Dance on dance in Israel, is available to the public on the various streaming platforms. An attempt was made to locate all
copyright holders and regulate the use of music. Anyone who has not been located, despite our attempts, is welcome to contact us regarding copyright
Next episodes will be uploaded soon...